Governance Committee
MINUTES of a meeting of the Governance Committee held at Council Chamber, County Hall, Lewes on 18 April 2023.
PRESENT Councillors Keith Glazier (Chair), Nick Bennett, Chris Collier, David Tutt and Bob Bowdler
Councillors Colin Belsey, Penny di Cara, Philip Lunn, Wendy Maples and Colin Swansborough
47. Minutes of the meeting held on 7 March 2023
47.1 RESOLVED – that the minutes of the previous meeting of the Committee held 7 March 2023 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
48.1 Copies of the reports referred to below are included in the minute book.
49. Appointment of Members to Committees, Subcommittees and other bodies
The Committee considered a report by the
Assistant Chief Executive on the appointment of members to
committees, sub-committees, panels and other bodies.
49.2 The
following amendment was moved by Councillor Tutt and was
The Scrutiny Committees should each be chaired by a member of the opposition.
49.3 The amendment was lost (by 3 votes to 2)
49.4 The Committee RESOLVED to recommend to County Council to allocate to political and independent groups the places on, and membership of:
(1) The main committees in the revised appendix 1 of the report;
(2) other committees and panels listed in Appendix 2 of the report; and
(3) Chair and Vice Chair positions on Scrutiny Committees and other Committees as set out below:
Chair |
Vice-Chair |
Conservative |
People Scrutiny Committee
Conservative |
Liberal Democrat |
Place Scrutiny Committee
Conservative |
Green |
Audit Committee |
Liberal Democrat
Conservative |
Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Conservative |
Labour |
Governance Committee
Conservative |
Planning Committee
Conservative |
Conservative |
Pension Committee
Conservative |
Standards Committee
Conservative |
50. Personal Safety of Councillors
50.1 The Committee
considered a report from the Assistant Chief Executive on the
personal safety of councillors and to inform them of the
LGA’s ‘Debate not Hate’ campaign.
50.2 The Committee RESOLVED to:
(1) note the measures currently in place to
support councillors; and
(2) sign the Local Government Association’s ‘Debate not Hate’ public statement on behalf of the Council
51. Pension Board Appointments
51.1 The Committee considered a report by
the Chief Finance Officer on the appointments to the East Sussex
Pension Fund Pension Board.
51.2 The Committee RESOLVED to:
(1) reappoint Ray Martin as Chair of the Pension Board for a period of 4 years (24 April 2023 to 23 April 2027); and
(2) Appoint Tim Oliver as an Employer Representative on the Pension Board for a period of 4 years (2 April 2023 to 23 April 2027).